Amigo v0.91. Range types and arrays

A range type can be created in Amigo by the following way:

class MyRange : IRange
    const Low = 3;
    const High = 15;

    static fn GetEnumerator(): RangeEnumerator
        new RangeEnumerator(Low, High);

or using the syntax sugar:


The interface IRange is defined in

interface IRange: IEnumerable {}

Class RangeEnumerator is:

class RangeEnumerator
    var FLow, FHigh;
    var FCurrent;

    fn Reset()
        FCurrent = FLow - 1;

    fn MoveNext(): bool
        FCurrent = FCurrent + 1;
        FCurrent <= FHigh;

    fn GetCurrent()

    fn constructor (Low, High)
        FLow = Low;
        FHigh = High;

Class ArrayList already exists in the module It partially duplicates the functionality of the corresponding .Net class and simulates dynamic tuple.

Amigo language introduces dynamic arrays as typed ranged tuples:

class DynArray<T>: ArrayList
    fn constructor(N)
     	for (var I = 0; I < N; I++)

    property this[I: int]: T
    	get => FItems[I];
        set => FItems[I] = value;

Keyword this denotes default property. It introduces restriction for the type of array elements.

Instances of DynArray<T> can be created with using C# - like syntax:

var a: int[] = new int[5];

a[2] = 4;

for (var x in a)

or more simple:

var a = new int[5];

In implementation, access to the array elements is done with the inline functions.

Let's consider ranged arrays (Pascal-like arrays) in Amigo. First of all, we are introducing the ranged tuples:

class RangedTuple<R>: IEnumerable
    var FItems: Tuple;
    var FLow: R;
    var FHigh: R;

    bunch constructor
        fn (Low: R, High: R)
            FLow = Low;
            FHigh = High;
            FItems = new Tuple((FHigh as int) - (FLow as int) + 1);
        fn (AType)
            FLow = low(AType) as R;
            FHigh = high(AType) as R;
            FItems = new Tuple((FHigh as int) - (FLow as int) + 1);
        fn ()
            FLow = low(R) as R;
            FHigh = high(R) as R;
            FItems = new Tuple((FHigh as int) - (FLow as int) + 1);

    fn GetEnumerator(): RangedTupleEnumerator
    	new RangedTupleEnumerator(FItems, FLow as int, FHigh as int);

    property this[I: R]
    	get => FItems[(I as int) - (FLow as int)];
        set => FItems[(I as int) - (FLow as int)] = value;

    property Low => FLow;
    property High => FHigh;
    property Length => FItems.Length;

Generic parameter R denotes a range type. Two overloaded constructors are joined in a bunch. Class RangedTupleEnumerator is:

class RangedTupleEnumerator
    var A, I, L, H, FCurrent;

    fn Reset()
        I = L - 1;

    fn MoveNext(): bool
        I <= H;

    fn GetCurrent()
        A[I - L];

    fn constructor (A, L, H)
        this.A = A;
        this.L = L;
        this.H = H;

Now, we can introduce the ranged array (Pascal-like) array:

class RangedArray<R, T>: RangedTuple<R>
    bunch constructor
        fn (Low: R, High: R)
            base(Low, High);
        fn (AType)
        fn ()

    property this[I: R]: T
    	get => FItems[(I as int) - (FLow as int)];
        set => FItems[(I as int) - (FLow as int)] = value;

Class RangedArray<R, T> inherits class RangedTuple<R> and restricts access to the array elements.

It will be used in the implementation of the AmigoPascal. As Amigo engine provides cross-language compilation, the module will be used in AmigoPascal programs without changes.

In the Amigo language, the syntax sugar is available for the ranged arrays:

var A = new int[3..15];
for (var x in A)

or use RangedArray<R, T> explicitly

type R = 3..5;
var A = new RangedArray<R, int>();
As RangedArray<R, T> is a class, we can inherit it and provide custom methods and properties.

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